Dark academia & Light academia
26 February 2021 ❤ 5
The emergence of aesthetics has had a big impact on the world and these two aesthetics are having a big impact via TIK TOK and Instagram. Dark Academia is an aesthetic, centred around libraries and books and everything dark. Whilst Light Academia is similar but lighter and focuses on museums. These two aesthetic link very heavily and can look great on almost everything, for example as buildings, outfits and other daily things like notes etc. So here we have a guide on how to live under these aesthetics:
Clothes colour scheme, now it doesn’t matter what items of clothing you wear but it does matter what colours you wear, for dark you need to wear dark brows, maroons, blacks and for light you need to wear beige, and greys, and lighter browns.
When it comes to hair, everything matters. You will have to try and style your hair to seem as if you are living in the 1820s, yes we mean ribbons and everything.
So when it comes to the way you live it can be hard to live aesthetically, you should start by catering to different colours associated with these aesthetics, so for dark academia, you’ll need dark brows, maroons, blacks and for light academia you’ll need beige, and greys, and lighter browns.
This is just a small simplest of things you should do live aesthetically!
By I. Bey
美学的出现对世界产生了重大影响,而这两种美学通过TIK TOK和Instagram 产生了巨大影响。Dark Academia是一种美学,围绕图书馆和书籍以及所有黑暗事物而存在。 虽然轻学术界相似,但轻学术界,其重点是博物馆。这两种美学联系非常紧密, 在几乎所有事物上都可以很好看,例如建筑物,服装和其他日常用品(如便笺等)。 因此,我们在此提供了如何在这些美学下生活的指南: 衣服的配色方案,现在无论穿什么衣服都无关紧要,而穿什么颜色也很重要, 深色衣服要戴深色眉毛,栗色,黑色,浅色衣服则要穿米色和灰色, 浅褐色。当涉及到头发时,一切都很重要。您将不得不尝试修饰自己的头发, 使其看起来好像您生活在1820年代,是的,我们的意思是缎带和其他所有物品。因此, 在您的生活方式上,很难过上美学的生活,您应该从迎合与这些美学相关的不同颜色手 ,因此对于深色学术界,您将需要深色眉毛,栗色,黑人以及浅色学术界。需要米色, 灰色和较浅的棕色。 这只是您在美学上应该做的最简单的事情! 由I.Bey
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