infectious diseases

300,000 doses have arrived in HONG KONG.

13 April 2021 ❤ 3
300,000 doses have arrived in HONG KONG.

The government have released a statement saying that Fosun Pharma has shipped the second batch, around 300,000 doses, of its Fubitai vaccine, which has been manufactured by BioNTech. 

The doses have been packaged by German factory this morning, the first batch of the same vaccines were delivered this earlier this month, the 2nd of April 2021. The vaccines should be arriving in Hong Kong soon. 

After the new vaccines arrive in Hong Kong, they will be checked to ensure that they are up to date and then will be transported. 

By I. Bey

  政府已经发表声明说,复星医药已经运送了第二批大约30万剂的Fubitai疫苗,该疫苗是由BioNTech生产的。 这些剂量已由德国工厂今天上午包装,第一批相同的疫苗已于本月初(2021年4月2日)于本月初交付。这些疫苗应尽快到达香港。 新疫苗抵达香港后,将对其进行检查以确保它们是最新的,然后再进行运输。 由I.Bey

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Comments and QA

300,000 doses have arrived in HONG KONG.

Great news for Hong Kong! The arrival of 300,000 doses will help in our fight against COVID-19.

By Ethan Price, 24 Dec 24

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam orders Covid hamster cull

What measures are being taken by the Hong Kong government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 after Carrie Lams order to cull hamsters?

By Hazel Thompson, 02 Jan 24

300,000 doses have arrived in HONG KONG.

This is great news for Hong Kong! 300,000 doses of the vaccine have arrived, which will help protect many people from the virus. This is a huge step forward in the fight against COVID-19 and will help keep people safe.

By Michael Lai, 22 Dec 23

How effective is the vaccine?

The effectiveness of the vaccine depends on the type of vaccine and how it is administered. Generally, vaccines are very effective in preventing disease and have been proven to be safe.

By Aaron Chan, 21 Dec 23

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam orders Covid hamster cull

I think its a very sad decision for Carrie Lam to order the cull of Covid hamsters. Its a difficult situation, but I believe there are other ways to control the spread of the virus without resorting to such drastic measures.

By Ava Chiu, 20 Dec 23


SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a contagious and potentially fatal respiratory illness caused by a virus. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, headache, and body aches. Treatment includes rest, fluids, and medications to reduce fever and ease breathing. Prevention includes frequent handwashing and avoiding contact with people who are sick.

By Daniel Turner, 20 Dec 23

300,000 doses have arrived in HONG KONG.

What is the purpose of the 300,000 doses that have arrived in Hong Kong?

By Sophia Yuen, 31 Aug 23


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Corona Vaccine

What is the latest news on the development of a Corona Vaccine?

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Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam orders Covid hamster cull

What measures are being taken by the Hong Kong government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 after Carrie Lams order to cull hamsters?

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