It's 2023, not 2023BC: Chinese town urges women to boycott old wedding customs

14 February 2023 ❤ 0
It's 2023, not 2023BC: Chinese town urges women to boycott old wedding customs

It's 2023, not 2023BC: Chinese Town Urges Women to Boycott Old Wedding Customs In the small Chinese town of Yuxi, .. Read More

China continues with financial assistance for carbon reduction, energy transformation

10 March 2022 ❤ 7
China continues with financial assistance for carbon reduction, energy transformation

China continues with financial assistance for carbon reduction, energy transformation 中国继续为减碳和能源转型提供财政援助 Read More

China's 2022 box office hits 10 billion yuan, sets quickest record

23 February 2022 ❤ 3
China's 2022 box office hits 10 billion yuan, sets quickest record

China's 2022 box office hits 10 billion yuan, sets quickest record 中国2022年票房破100亿元,创最快纪录 Read More

China does not want unilateral sanctions on Russia over Ukraine

23 February 2022 ❤ 3
China does not want unilateral sanctions on Russia over Ukraine

China does not want unilateral sanctions on Russia over Ukraine 中国不希望在乌克兰问题上对俄罗斯实施单方面制裁 Read More

Peng Shuai: gave way to 'huge misunderstanding'

09 February 2022 ❤ 1
Peng Shuai: gave way to 'huge misunderstanding'

Peng Shuai: gave way to 'huge misunderstanding' 彭帅:让位于“巨大误会” Read More

China's automaker Great Wall aims to sell 4 mln cars in 2025

01 February 2022 ❤ 2
China's automaker Great Wall aims to sell 4 mln cars in 2025

China's automaker Great Wall aims to sell 4 mln cars in 2025 中国汽车制造商长城汽车的目标是到2025年销售400万辆汽车 Read More

Olympics Beijing Games

26 January 2022 ❤ 2
Olympics Beijing Games

Olympics Beijing Games 奥运会 北京奥运会 Read More

Beijing sends private tutoring companies with $80,000 penalty

26 January 2022 ❤ 2
Beijing sends private tutoring companies with $80,000 penalty

Beijing sends private tutoring companies with $80,000 penalty 北京对私教公司处以8万美元的罚款 Read More

China angered by US after tracking warship in South China Sea

23 January 2022 ❤ 2
China angered by US after tracking warship in South China Sea

China angered by US after tracking warship in South China Sea 中国在南海追踪军舰后激怒美国 Read More

The full train test has been completed

03 May 2021 ❤ 3
The full train test has been completed

Before the opening of the MTR Tuen Ma Line the train had to be tested, the first test will be postponed later today at 7:30 am... 地铁屯马线开通之前,必须对火车进行测试,第一次测试将在今天晚些时候上午7:30推迟... Read More

Workers from Sinosteel Occupational Safety and Health Cooperative Factory have been pronounced as dead.

18 April 2021 ❤ 5
Workers from Sinosteel Occupational Safety and Health Cooperative Factory have been pronounced as dead.

Today at 12am, noon, the Sinosteel cooperating manufacture was up an running until there was a sudden accident... 今天中午12点,中钢协办的工厂开始运转,直到发生意外... Read More

It’s raining in Taoyuan

06 March 2021 ❤ 5
It’s raining in Taoyuan

Today in Taoyuan City it was raining all day, it was even seen on top of the Shimen Reservoir... 今天在桃园市,一整天都在下雨,甚至在石门水库的顶部都可以看到。... Read More

The water situation is suffering in the south of Hsinchu

02 March 2021 ❤ 5
The water situation is suffering in the south of Hsinchu

The water situation on February 25 in the south of Hsinchu in Chiayi and Tainan is suffering and in need of help... 2月25日,嘉义和台南新竹以南的水资源状况正在遭受苦难,需要帮助。... Read More

The aftermath of the Lantern Festival 2021

25 February 2021 ❤ 3
The aftermath of the Lantern Festival 2021

The Lantern Festival is the spring festival of lights, it starts on the first full moon of the Chinese new year and ends on the last day of the full moon traditionally. 元宵节是灯火的春节,通常从农历新年的第一个满月开始,在传统的满 Read More

China And Its Collaboration With Other Countries

28 January 2021 ❤ 3
China And Its Collaboration With Other Countries

China is one of the world’s biggest superpower. And the second fastest country in the world in economic growth. -- 中国是世界上最大的超级大国之一。也是世界上经济增长第二快的国家。 Read More

Why China Is Growing With Speed

26 January 2021 ❤ 2
Why China Is Growing With Speed

China is one of the world's second-fastest-growing countries of the world, its GDP Is $10262 per capita. -- 中国是世界上增长第二快的国家之一,其人均GDP为10262美元。 Read More

Why Chinese Products Are Cheaper?

22 January 2021 ❤ 1
Why Chinese Products Are Cheaper?

China is one of the world's most populated countries with a population of 1.4 billion people, it is the third-largest country in the world -- 中国是世界上人口最多的国家之一,拥有14亿人口,是世界第三大国家。 Read More


12 January 2021 ❤ 1

The most highly reputed business among Pakistan and china had been the conduct of JF 17 thunder -- 在巴基斯坦和中国最有名的生意是JF 17雷声 Read More


29 December 2020 ❤ 2

One of the biggest debates in the foreign policy world is whether or not China can be considered a great power or not. -- 外交政策界最大的辯論之一是中國是否可以被視為大國。 Read More

Chinese social media 

14 December 2020 ❤ 1
Chinese social media 

Global companies are looking for their chance to step into the Chinese social media. --- 跨國公司正在尋找進入中國社交媒體的機會。 Read More

The latest information in China

12 December 2020 ❤ 3
The latest information in China

The statue of Cybele returned to Turkey almost after 60 years. The important thing, it is 1700 years old.  --- Cybele的雕像在60年後返回土耳其。 Read More

China as an Emerging superpower

10 December 2020 ❤ 1
China as an Emerging superpower

China is progressing with every passing year and we are all aware of that --- 中國正在與時俱進,我們都知道這一點. Read More

History of China   

10 December 2020 ❤ 2
History of China   

 pre-1600 bc China is planned largely by myths and ancient proof. -- 公元前1600年以前的中國歷史中國在很大程度上是根據神話和古老的證據來規劃的。 Read More

History of the great wall of china

07 December 2020 ❤ 2
History of the great wall of china

The wall of china was built by the First Emperor of China Qin Shi Haung, when he connected the already fortifications built-in Spring and Autumn. Read More

Wall of china

07 December 2020 ❤ 1
Wall of china

We all have heard about it, the wall of china, most of the people reading this article are already aware of the fact that the wall of china is the biggest wall in the world. Read More

Have a comment or QA?
Comments and QA

Wall of china

What is the significance of the Great Wall of China and how has it impacted Chinese history and culture?

By Alexander Wong, 10 Oct 24

China continues with financial assistance for carbon reduction, energy transformation

Chinas commitment to providing financial assistance for carbon reduction and energy transformation is a positive step towards tackling climate change. By investing in renewable energy and promoting sustainable practices, China is setting an example for other countries to follow. This will not only benefit the environment but also boost their economy in the long run.

By Zoe Robinson, 08 Oct 24


What superpower would you most like to have and why?

By Abigail Rodriguez, 04 Jan 24

Chinese social media 

What are the most popular Chinese social media platforms and how do they differ from Western ones?

By Olivia Carter, 28 Dec 23

China as an Emerging superpower

China is an emerging superpower due to its rapid economic growth, large population, and increasing influence in global affairs. It has become a major player in the world economy and is now seen as a leader in many areas.

By Chloe Lewis, 27 Dec 23

Its 2023, not 2023BC: Chinese town urges women to boycott old wedding customs

What are the traditional wedding customs that Chinese women are being urged to boycott in 2023?

By Gabriel Martinez, 21 Dec 23

Chinese social media 

Chinese social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, as well as to keep up with news and trends. Popular platforms include WeChat, Weibo, and QQ. These platforms offer a variety of features such as messaging, video streaming, and gaming.

By Carter Wright, 21 Dec 23

History of the great wall of china

What is the history of the Great Wall of China and how has it evolved over time?

By Karen Ng, 21 Dec 23

China does not want unilateral sanctions on Russia over Ukraine

What are the implications of China not wanting unilateral sanctions on Russia over Ukraine?

By David Yip, 21 Dec 23

China angered by US after tracking warship in South China Sea

What are the implications of the US tracking a Chinese warship in the South China Sea?

By Michael Au, 21 Dec 23
